The Raptor C18 is a traditional endcapped C18 column for general-purpose use. The superficially porous particle (SPP) provides UHPLC-like resolution with standard LC systems. Ideal for high-throughput applications with large analyte lists including DNPH-derivatized aldehydes and ketones, veterinary drugs, and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs.) USP L1, pore size: 90A, surface area: 100m2/gram, carbon load: 5%, fully endcapped. pH range: 2.0 - 8.0, maximum temperature: 80C, maximum pressure: 40 MPa/400 bar/5,800 psi. Similar Phases: Kinetex C18, Poroshell EC-C18, Ascentis Express C18, Halo 2.7 C18, Sunshell C18, Nucleoshell RP 18, Accucore C18.