Shimadzu Part Number:220-91524-06

Column, LC, Shodex IC YS-50 Cation 5 micron, 4.6 x 125mm

High performance type of YK-421 suitable for mono- and divalent cation separations. Supports the analysis of alkylamines and transition metals. Fulfills USP-NF L125 requirements. Base material: polyvinyl alcohol, stainless steel hardware. Shipping solvent: 10 mM sodium sulfate. Guard column YS-G (220-91524-07) and stainless steel coupler 220-91524-97 are recommended.
Price: $1,878.00
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Column, LC, Shodex IC YS-G Cation Guard 5 micron, 4.6 x 10mm
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Column, LC, Analytical Guard Coupler, Stainless Steel, with Fittings
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