Shimadzu Part Number:220-91524-65

Column, LC, Shodex GPC FP-2002, 8um, 20 x 600mm

Styrene-divinylbenzene based column for separation of organic soluble compounds up to 5000 Da. Compatible with chloroform, THF, toluene, dichloroethane, ethyl acetate, DMF, and acetone and resistant to swelling and shrinking. Recommended injection volume is 500-2,000mL at a sample concentration of up to 1.0%. The narrow particle size distribution ensures symmetrical peak shapes as well as operation at elevated flow rates with minimal pressure increase. 8um particle size, max pressure 5MPa/50 bar/725 psi. Guard column 220-91524-66 and coupler 220-91524-97 are recommended.
Price: $7,383.00
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