Shimadzu Part Number:227-31208-15

Column, LC, Shim-pack Scepter Claris C4-300, 5um, 4.6 x 150mm

The Scepter Claris column has a bioinert surface treatment on the column body and frit for a completely metal-free flowpath. It is ideal for the analysis of compounds that adsorb to either stainless steel or PEEK. The C4-300 phase is recommended for mid- to large-sized molecules (above 5000 MW) to ensure retention and avoid size exclusion effects. It is ideal for LC and LCMS analysis of peptides, proteins, intact monoclonal antibodies and their subunits up to 150 kDa. Bioinert coating eliminates adsorption and reduces tailing for compounds that have strong interactions with stainless steel or PEEK surfaces. USP L26, pore size: 300A, pH range: 1-10, max pressure: 45 MPa/4500 bar/6,500 psi, fully endcapped. Similar to XBridge Premier Protein BEH C4.
Price: $1,150.00
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