Shimadzu Part Number:220-91524-93

Column, LC, Shodex OHpak SB-806M HQ, 13um, 8.0 x 300mm

Polymeric packed column for aqueous GFC (SEC) analysis. Base material is polyhydroxymethacrylate, fulfills USP-NF L38 and L39 requirements. This is a mixed bed column suitable for polymer analysis over a wide molecular weight range: 500 - 20,000,000 Da (est.) Shipping solvent is 0.02% NaN3 (sodium azide) and can be replaced with 100% DMF for the analysis of polar polymers. pH range 3-10. Maximum concentration for other solvents is 75% methanol and 75% acetonitrile.
Price: $1,946.00
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