Careers at Shimadzu
Headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) is the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan), a world leader in the development of scientific instruments. SSI was established in 1975 as a distribution center providing analytical solutions to a wide range of laboratories and lab services providers in the Americas. Today, SSI’s focus has expanded greatly beyond distribution. SSI maintains a network of ten regional offices strategically located across the United States, with experienced technical specialists, service and sales engineers situated throughout the country; a state-of-the-art Customer Training and Education Center; and Shimadzu U.S.A. Manufacturing, which supplies HPLC, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, and other high-tech products to the U.S. market.

Quality People
Our most important asset. Engagement, teamwork, transparency, a commitment to excellence, fairness, and fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce are the values that govern our work.

Quality Products
Our products must always satisfy the needs of our customers through innovative design and unsurpassed reliability.
Quality Service
Our commitment to customer support is essential for customer satisfaction.
Quality Service