Solvents, LCMS, B&J Methanol, > 99.9%, 1 x 4L

Solvents, LCMS, B&J Methanol, > 99.9%, 1 x 4L

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Honeywell B&J Methanol >99.9% purity, LC-MS grade. Minimal organic and trace metal contamination, which results in higher ionization efficiency and lower adduct formation. CAS 67-56-1 Max. 1 ppm non-volatile matter; Max. 50ppb (negative mode as 4-nitrophenol,) max 100ppb (positive mode as caffeine,) max 50ppb (positive mode as reserpine.) **NOTE: This item ships directly (ground) from our supplier, and due to Hazmat restrictions, overnight delivery is not possible. Please consider a recurring order for high-volume use. Contact your Shimadzu representative for more information.**

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