Spare Parts List for HPLC Autosamplers

Find most common spare parts for each autosampler in the table below, or click here for the complete HPLC Consumables Guide.

For all parts related to a specific autosampler, type the full model name in the search box. Ex: SIL-40CXR, SIL-20ACMP, or SIL-10ADvp. Please note some models use the same parts.


High Pressure Valve Rotor 228-71780-41
High Pressure Valve Stator 228-56253-44
Low Pressure Valve Rotor 228-71780-43
Low Pressure Valve Stator 228-71782-41
Low Pressure Valve Stator Packing 228-51923-00
Metering pump seal 228-35145-00
Metering Pump Plunger Assembly 228-35010-92
Needle 228-64909-97
Needle Seal 228-64364-42
Rinse Port Cover 228-67725-43
Rinse Port Cap, No Hole (10/pack) 228-67725-43
100 µL Loop 228-67725-43


High Pressure Valve Rotor 228-71780-42
High Pressure Valve Stator 228-48858-46
Low Pressure Valve Rotor 228-71780-43
Low Pressure Valve Stator 228-71782-41
Metering pump seal 228-71782-41
Metering Pump Plunger Assembly 228-71782-41
Needle 228-64909-98
Needle Seal 228-64364-42
Rinse Port Cover 228-67725-43
Rinse Port Cap, No Hole (10/pack) 228-67725-41
Rinse Port Cap, With Hole (10/pack) 228-67725-42
50 µL Loop 228-63132-44
100 µL Loop 228-63132-45


Exploded Diagram (PDF)  
Needle 228-41024-95
Needle Seal 228-52253-00
Needle seal Cap 228-51904-00
Needle Seal Kit (3 seals + housing) 228-52401-92
HPV rotor 228-52139-00
HPV stator 228-48858-95
50 ul sample loop 228-45402-96
Metering pump plunger 228-35010-91
Metering pump seal 228-35145-00
LPV rotor 228-51922-00
LPV stator 228-51663-01
Suction filter (no tubing) 228-45707-91
Suction filter assy (with tubing) 228-45708-91
SIL-30AC SUS Outlet Tubing, 0.1 x 600 mm (for CTO-20A) 228-53184-91
Outlet Tubing with Preheater for CTO-30 228-52597-43
Rinse port cap, with hole 10/pk 228-48331-92
Rinse port cap, no hole 10/pk 228-48331-91


Exploded Diagram (PDF)  
Needle 228-41024-93
Needle Seal 228-50390-00
HPV rotor 228-48854-00
50 ul sample loop 228-45402-96
Metering pump plunger 228-35010-91
Metering pump seal 228-35145-00
LPV rotor 228-36923-00
Suction filter (no tubing) 228-45707-91
Suction filter assy (with tubing) 228-45708-91
Micro outlet tubing SUS 0.1 x 600 mm 228-48826-92
Needle Seal Kit (3 seals + 1 housing) 228-50452-93

SIL-20A / SIL-20AC

Exploded Diagram (PDF)  
Needle 228-41024-93
Needle Seal 228-42325-01
HPV rotor 228-41310-92
HPV stator 228-45408-91
100 uL standard loop 228-45402-95
Metering pump plunger 228-35010-91
Metering pump seal 228-35145-00
LPV rotor 228-36923-00
LPV stator 228-36917-01
Suction filter (no tubing) 228-45707-91
Suction filter assy (with tubing) 228-45708-91
0.13 x 600 mm PEEK (out) 228-40984-94


Exploded Diagram (PDF)  
Needle 228-41024-93
Needle Seal 228-42325-01
HPV rotor 228-41310-92
HPV stator 228-45408-93
100 uL standard loop 228-45402-95
Metering pump plunger 228-35010-91
Metering pump seal 228-35145-00
LPV rotor 228-36923-00
LPV stator 228-36917-01
Suction filter (no tubing) 228-45707-91
Suction filter assy (with tubing) 228-45708-91
Micro outlet tubing 0.1 x 600 mm 228-48464-92


Exploded Diagram (PDF)  
Suction Filter Assembly 228-45708-91
Suction Filter (no tubing) 228-45707-91
Low Pressure Valve Stator 228-36917-01
Low Pressure Valvue Rotor 228-36923-00
Metering Pump Plunger Assembly 228-35010-91
Metering Pump Seal 228-35145-00
High Pressure Valve Stator 228-41185-92
High Pressure Valve Rotor 228-41310-92
100 µL Loop 228-41370-91
Needle 228-41024-92
Needle Seal 228-33355-01
Outlet Tubing, 0.25mm 228-41380-93


Exploded Diagram (PDF)  
Suction Filter Assembly 228-45708-91
Suction Filter (no tubing) 228-45707-91
Stator Assembly 228-36730-91
Rotor 228-36457-00
Metering Pump Plunger Assembly 228-35010-91
Metering Pump Seal 228-35145-00
Stator 228-21220-94
Rotor 228-21217-97
50 µL Loop 228-39436-91
Needle - for PEEK or Vespel Seal 228-33518-94
Needle Seal- Vespel 228-33355-04
Needle Seal - PEEK 228-33355-01
Outlet Tubing, SUS, 0.31 x 600 mm 228-39830-91
Rinse Port Septa (10/pack) 228-36215-91

SIL-10A / SIL-10AF / SIL-10AP / SIL-10AI

Exploded Diagram (PDF)  
Suction Filter Assembly 228-25233-91
Stator (3-way Valve)  228-23490-00
Rotor (3-way Valve) 228-34417-04
Syringe Adapter (SIL-10A/AF/AP) 228-36457-00
PEEK Syringe Adapter (SIL-10Ai) 228-28616-00
500 uL Syringe (SIL-10A/AF/Ai) 228-25237-04
5 mL Syringe (SIL-10AP) 228-25237-07
Needle Assembly (SIL-10A/AF/AP) 228-20243-93
Needle Assembly (SIL-10Ai)  228-20243-95
Stator (6-port Valve; SIL-10A/AF/Ai) 228-21220-91
Stator (6-port Valve; SIL-10AP) 228-21220-92
Rotor (6-port Valve; SIL-10A/AF/Ai) 228-21217-91
Rotor (6-port Valve; SIL-10AP) 228-21217-93
50 uL Loop (SIL-10A/AF) 228-21038-91
50 uL Loop (SIL-10Ai) 228-33231-91
5 mL Loop (SIL-10AP) 228-39389-94
Bypass Assembly (SIL-10A/AF/AP) 228-15154-91
Needle Seal 228-21227-91
Rinse Port Septa (100/pack) 228-21290-91
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